On any give day, one of us will walk by a mirror, observe a photograph, or see our reflection in the glass. Where did the time go, and why didn't we see it before? When you have true friends, they accept you for who you are. So, you can expect no criticism from them. However, your family physician, photographs, and mirrors, won't make excuses for you. Some people label it, "middle age spread" or "battle of the bulge," but how do you regain control of this uphill battle? You are concerned with body weight, body fat, blood sugar, blood pressure, and your cholesterol levels. Which of those readings should concern you the most? You know it's time to make a change.
Should you join a health club? What piece of exercise equipment could you fit into your house? Every time you see fitness equipment commercials, the models are the age of your children. The basic fitness rules for the average 25 year old do not apply to us. Your joints are worn from step aerobics, Tae Bo, and spinning classes. Now you are in search of a low impact alternative. So, where do you start and what are your options? Actually, you have quite a few options. Some are popular, and others are less popular, but just as effective.
Yoga classes have a huge variety of low impact exercise routines. Some classes hold postures, and others flow through each posture by matching breath with movement. You can't go wrong, and you may be able to pick up an introductory, or free, introductory package. Most of all, try different types of Yoga classes to see what fits your needs. Weight resistance training is still a great workout, for many reasons, and you don't have to sit down between sets, unless you want to.
This enables you to keep your heart rate steady; you may want to use an exercise heart monitor, which gives you the chance to exercise at a challenging, but safe level, without worry. I would suggest a personal trainer, if you have been out of circulation for a while. Make sure your personal trainer is knowledgeable and understanding. Also, be aware that some personal trainers specialize in body builders, some specialize in training women, and some have holistic knowledge.
It is wise to shop around for the best personal trainer to suit your needs. Elliptical trainers offer a stimulating, low impact, cross training, weight bearing, and aerobic workout. I don't own shares in any of the companies that manufacture these gems, but they are my personal favorite. You can find home gym models that retail for around the annual cost of a health club membership.
However, be honest with yourself about making a commitment to use it. It's a shame when an elliptical trainer becomes a glorified clothes rack. In the next article, we will discuss more exercise options and diet.
Paul Jerard, is a co-owner/director of Yoga teacher training at Aura Wellness Center. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher. http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org